Four Common Conditions That Tend To Respond Well To Chinese Acupuncture

20 June 2023
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Chinese acupuncture is the most common and widely used type of acupuncture. It involves the insertion of tiny needles into the skin. The needles are left in place for some time while the patient relaxes and lies still. The needles are said to alter the flow of qi, or energy, through the body. Some modern scientists think acupuncture works by stimulating certain nerve endings and thereby affecting the excitability of those nerves. Read More 

Benefits Of Deep Tissue Massage For Seniors

17 April 2023
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Deep tissue massage is a therapeutic technique that applies sustained pressure to the deeper layers of muscle tissue and tendons. A deep tissue massage can be highly beneficial for older individuals, who often experience various age-related issues that affect their overall well-being. As people age, they may experience decreased flexibility, increased pain, and other challenges that can negatively impact their quality of life. Fortunately, there are benefits of deep tissue massage for seniors that can help improve their physical and mental health. Read More 

3 Things To Know About Lymphatic Massage

22 August 2022
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If you've seen lymphatic massage advertised at your favorite spa, you've probably wondered exactly what it is and how it differs from other types of massage. Simply put, lymphatic massage is a gentle massage designed to relax you while also helping to circulate lymphatic fluid. Practitioners of lymphatic massage say that it helps boost your immune system while also reducing inflammation. Here are three things to know about lymphatic massage: Stay Hydrated Read More 

Why You Might Want to Consider a Massage Service

10 August 2022
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If you're looking for a way to relax and unwind, you might want to consider a certified massage service. It's the perfect way to relieve stress and also help improve your overall sense of well-being. Here are a few more reasons why you might want to consider a massage service. It Can Help Relieve Pain Massage can actually be a very effective tool for managing pain. If you have chronic pain, getting a massage can be a great way to help you manage it. Read More 

Suggestions For Novices Going Into Their First Acupuncture Session

24 May 2022
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Acupuncture has been used for a very long time for pain and stress-relieving purposes. If you're going in for your first treatment, here are some useful things you can do to get the most out of this experience.  Identify Goals And Express Them to the Acupuncturist  There are a number of ways acupuncture can take place and many areas of your body that can receive needles. It's thus important to think very carefully about what you want to get out of this first session. Read More